Discover how to utilize borax as a cleaner with these ten simple borax cleaning hacks!
When borax comes to mind, many people envision it as an old-fashioned laundry booster. However, regardless of its vintage reputation, borax offers numerous modern cleaning applications for your home.
Here are some tips on how to effectively clean with borax:
How to Clean with Borax – Cleaning Hacks
1. Use Borax to Clean Your Floors
Borax is perfect for tile or vinyl flooring because it has a mild cleaning impact. All you have to do is combine two tablespoons of borax with each gallon of warm mop water.
Mop the floors, mix the water, and let the borax dissolve. Using this procedure, you may clean your floors properly without damaging or dulling your tiles or vinyl.
2. Scrub the Toilet Bowl
Borax is a mild yet powerful cleaning for toilet bowls. One cup of borax should be added to the toilet after it has been flushed, making sure to cover the rim and the sides. Give it a whole night to sit.
To ensure a clean bowl, scrub the interior with a toilet brush in the morning and flush afterwards.
#3. Cleaning Cookware with Borax
Borax works wonders to get rid of stubborn stains and food residue from cookware. After cleaning the pan, dust it with borax.
After letting it sit for a few minutes, give it a sponge scrub. The food residue will be successfully removed from your pan by using borax, leaving it bright and clean.
#4. Add some color to your porcelain or stainless steel sink
To brighten and eliminate stains from your stainless steel sink, mix ¼ cup of lemon juice and one cup of borax to make a paste.
After applying the paste to your sink, use a sponge to scrape it, then rinse and use a microfiber cloth to shine it.
#5. Keep Your Patio Furniture Clean
Dust and grime may quickly gather on outdoor furniture. Use a spray bottle to combine borax and warm water to clean it. To a quart of warm water, add one or two tablespoons of borax and thoroughly shake.
Your furniture should be sprayed with the homemade cleaning and then cleaned using a fresh cloth or sponge.
#6. Use Borax to Odor-Reduce Your Garbage Can
Borax works well as a garbage can deodorizer as well. To prevent odors and discourage pests drawn to leftover food, place a small amount of borax at the bottom of your trash can.
To eliminate lingering smells, mix warm water with borax and clean the can with a toilet bowl brush.
#7. Clearing Clogged Drains with Borax
Pour hot water into the drain hole and pour borax to unclog the drain. After letting it sit for roughly fifteen minutes, flush with hot water.
#8. Use Borax to Refresh Your Refrigerator
In a spray bottle, combine 1 tablespoon of borax with 2 cups of warm water. Using a damp sponge and this solution, clean your refrigerator of spills and odors.
#9. Use Borax to Remove Sticky Substances
To remove sticky materials from walls, furniture, and other surfaces, make a paste by combining borax and water. Apply the paste to the sticky spot and use a clean rag to remove it.
#10. Increase Your Laundry Detergent’s Cleaning Power
When doing laundry, use ½ cup of borax to help remove stains and brighten clothing.
These borax cleaning tips show how versatile it is for cleaning jobs around the house. Are there any other cleaning techniques you could provide with borax? Post them in the space provided for comments below.
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